
Hyperledger Exploration

Hyperledger Besu


Hyperledger Besu is an Ethereum client developed under the Hyperledger project by the Linux Foundation. It supports Ethereum’s mainnet, private networks, and testnets. Besu is designed to be enterprise-friendly, offering advanced features like privacy and permissioning, consensus algorithms such as Proof of Stake, Proof of Work, and Proof of Authority (IBFT 2.0, QBFT, and Clique), and comprehensive monitoring and management tools.

Exploration Test Setup

This Exploration aims to setup hyperledger besu as a private network built using binaries.


Installation Instruction



sudo apt install openjdk-21-jdk

##### System Tools #####

sudo apt install wget curl

After verifying and installing the prerequisites we can proceed with the step by step installation process

#### Besu Installation and Configuration
##### Step 1: Download Hyperledger Besu
- This command uses wget to download the specified version of Hyperledger Besu from its official GitHub releases page. 

wget https://github.com/hyperledger/besu/releases/download/24.5.2/besu-24.5.2.tar.gz

- Extracting the tar file

tar -xzf besu-24.5.2.tar.gz

##### Step 2: Setting the path variable
- Navigates into the directory where Besu was extracted.

cd besu-24.5.2

- This command adds the current directory's bin subdirectory to the system PATH using $(pwd) to dynamically insert the current directory path.

export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/bin

##### Step 3: Setting up the ~./bashrc file
- The echo command appends the PATH export statement to the ~/.bashrc file, ensuring the PATH change is applied in future terminal sessions.

echo ‘export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/bin’ » ~/.bashrc

- The source ~/.bashrc command reloads the ~/.bashrc file to apply the PATH changes immediately.

source ~/.bashrc

##### Step 4: Verifing the installantion
- Running besu --version verifies that Besu is installed correctly and accessible in your terminal. 

besu –version ```

Running the Network

Deploying the Smart Contracts